Kindergarten-First Grade

Health Curriculum 

Kindergarten and Grade 1

Your Health (Harcourt Brace)
Here’s Looking at You (kits)
Totally Awesome Health
 District Media Center


ESSENTIAL CONTENT/SKILLS  Possible Activities/Resources
Mental/Emotional Health   
Identify characteristics of self and use them to enhance a positive sense of self Trace and cut out the outline of the student. Have them add features. 
Demonstrate awareness of personal space and respect the boundaries of self and others through words and actions Ask students to talk about why personal space is so importantDefine and discuss a personal space for each student on the floor during group time, work time and personal belongings.
Recognize strengths in self and others Practice giving and receiving compliments during an appreciation circle time.Have a child be a “noticer” and report students who were helpful/kind at the end of the day.
Identify and understand similarities and differences between self and others Look in a mirror/draw a picture with a partner and describe how they are alike and how they are different.

Book: We Are All Alike, We are all Different: Cheltenham Elementary School Kindergarteners
Identify a variety of feelings and appropriate ways to express them using “I” statementsInvestigate options for decision-making, identify consequences and acknowledge responsibility for choices Have children practice saying, “I don’t like it when you…” when someone intrudes on their space.
Family/Social/Interpersonal Health   
Demonstrate respect for others by listening, taking turns, sharing and asking questions Play partner games or have a sharing time once a week where partners take turns talking to each other about events in their lives.

Understand that people can disagree respectfully

  • Demonstrate behaviors for getting along with others
  • Understand that disagreements happen
  • Identify conflict resolution strategies

Define and recognize bullying behavior

Have students draw a picture or write about and then discuss/practice what makes a person a friend.

Practice ABC (ask, back away and call for help)

Practice assertiveness skills by using your “Big Voice”

Book: Shubert’s Big Voice by Dr. Becky Bailey.

Say “no” when asked to do something dangerous or wrong and then tell a responsible adult Student Coloring book: 
Identify responsible adults and know how to communicate with them for safety in home, school and community Identify responsible adults in the community through pictures or classroom visits
Demonstrate awareness of personal space See mental/emotional health. 
Identify the difference between good touch, bad touch, and confusing touch Resources: nurse
Recognize and describe different family structures Students bring in or draw a picture of their family and identify members.
Injury/Disease Prevention (Substance Use/Safety)   
Understand the connection between personal choices and the positive and negative consequences that follow

Identify how to care for scrapes and bruises
Set up a “We Care” bucket in the class
Identify harmful and healthful substances and drugs and their effect on the body Introduce Mr. Yuk stickers and give some to students to take home:

Red ribbon week activities (October)

Drug free pledge: 
Recognize that healthful drugs are given by responsible adults Resources: school and community nurse/health agency
Define “disease” and recognize that some diseases are contagious. Talk with the class about the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Know how germs are spread and how to avoid them (hand washing) Practice covering your mouth/nose with your arm

Teach hand washing techniques Sing “Happy Birthday” as you wash your hands

Demonstrate age appropriate safety skills

  • Personal safety
  • Fire safety
  • Earthquake safety
  • Bus safety
  • Seasonal protective gear


Kindergarten/1st Grade Outdoor Safety Activities

fire department field trip
practice fire drills
practice earthquake drills
practice bus evacuation drills

Community/Consumer/Environmental Health   
Identify the harmful effects of pollution (water, air, noise, liter) on personal health identify safe water drinking water sources in your school

Identify and practice appropriate voice levels: indoor/outdoor voices

pick up litter in the classroom, school or on school groundsSpeaker: School custodian
Define advertising and how it affects health choices

Use a computer with a responsible adult
Choose from appropriate activities in a classroom center computer or school lab computer
Identify age appropriate, curriculum related community-based health resources Resources:
School nurse
Local hospital or clinic
Local mental health agency
Identify the basic food groups (grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat/beans) 
Explain the importance of a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack and that nutritious food is energy for the body

Create a healthy meal by cutting out food pictures from magazines
Understand that some foods are nutritious and some are not Resource: KPBSD Student Nutrition Services personnel
Recognize the importance of daily physical activity and how it effects the body Ask a parent who is knowledgeable about nutrition to show the class the difference between a “good” and “bad” lunchresource: school lunch personnel

Identify and discuss appropriate physical activities during recess time.Resource: PE teacher
Healthy Growth and Development/Hygiene   

Explain the importance of

  • Personal hygiene such as bathing and hand washing
  • Dental hygiene such as brushing, flossing, dental checkups
school nurse
community health providers

Dental: free kit: 
Explain the importance of exercise, play, rest and sleep Discuss why all are important to overall health.
Understand how healthy behaviors affect the basic functions of the body systems (see Science Curriculum) Discuss the foods and weight bearing exercises for healthy bones
Identify and know the eyes, ears, skin, nose and mouth as related to the five senses Look in a mirror and identify these parts of the body and
Recognize that the human body changes over time Identify changes using individual or class pictures from the beginning and end of school year.

Compare height/weight records at beginning and end of year