Sixth Grade

Health Curriculum

Grade 6:

Your Health (Harcourt Brace)
Here’s Looking at You (kits)
Totally Awesome Health
District Media Center

ESSENTIAL CONTENT/SKILLSPossible Activities/Resources
Mental/Emotional Health 
Identify characteristics that show uniquenessMeeks and Heit Totally Awesome Health Chapter 6

Check with local health services for speakers

GOOGLE: “I statements”

Tie-in with literature connections

Harcourt Brace Your Health
Chapter 1

Emotion chart in room

The Great Body Shop subscription
Show respect for individual differences (cultural, gender, socio-economic status, size, age, skill abilities, physical or psychological conditions)
Explain how emotions are communicated verbally and nonverbally
Name, identify and communicate emotions and practice appropriate ways to express them using “I” statements
Explain how anger is a mask for other emotions and explore healthy ways of handling anger
Identify appropriate ways for people to meet their mental and emotional needs (Ex: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.)
Identify positive and negative stress and understand stress management techniques
Identify healthy ways of coping with loss
Investigate options for decision-making, identify consequences and acknowledge responsibility for choices
Family/Social/Interpersonal Health 
Recognize conflicts and identify healthy ways to resolve themCheck Meeks and Heit Totally Awesome Health Chapter 7

Harcourt Brace Your Health Chapter 2

Check with local health services for speakersTie-in with literature connections
Identify healthy relationship/friendship skills such as respect, empathy, kindness and listening
Identify the elements of an unhealthy relationship
Recognize that power and control can result in unhealthy behaviors such as bullying, harassment, physical abuse, verbal abuse and sexual abuse
Demonstrate assertive strategies for dealing with bullying and harassment
Describe positive and negative peer pressure
Identify and practice positive, assertive and aggressive communication styles for using refusal/resistance skills
Identify good sportsmanship skills and ways to cope with winning and losing
Identify responsible adults and know how to communicate with them for personal safety at home, in school and in the community
Injury/Disease Prevention (Substance Use/Safety) 
Identify behaviors in everyday life that present health and safety risks and identify the long-term impact of these behaviorsMeeks and Heit Totally Awesome Health Chapter 11, 12, 13


Harcourt Brace Your Health Chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8

Tie-in with literature connections

Identify strategies to protect oneself from harm and victimization
Identify causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of communicable diseases such as flu and cold, HIV and other STD’s, staph infections, hepatitis, and current communicable concerns.
Identify causes, characteristics, preventions, and management of chronic diseases (as applicable to classroom community or current concerns)
Explain the connection between advertising and society’s attitudes toward alcohol and tobacco use

Identify the following types of drugs and their effects on the body

  • Narcotics
  • Inhalants
  • Stimulants
  • Steroids
  • Depressants
  • Hallucinogens
Explain different types of addictions such as food, alcohol, video games and gambling and the treatments for them
Explain the mental and physical effects of drinking alcohol and using drugs and recognize the impact of each (social consequences, legal consequences, impact on ability to make decisions)
Identify fun, safe, and legal activities that fulfill the same needs met by drug use.
Identify available community resources for addictions
Community/Consumer/Environmental Health 
Identify current global health issues and our response to themSearch for “advertise” on

Tie-in with literature connections

Harcourt Brace Your Health
Chapter 9

Check Meeks and Heit Totally Awesome Health Chapters 14 and 15

The Great Body Shop subscription
Demonstrate one’s personal responsibility in creating a healthy environment
Explain how drug use impacts society (costs to society such as prisons, crime, treatment centers, family crisis, neighborhood safety)
Critically analyze media and its impact on emotions, thoughts, and actions (such as stereotypes, body image, sexuality, violence, etc.)

Understand and practice personal internet safety

  • disclosing personal information
  • chat room dangers
  • cyber-bullying
Identify age-appropriate, curriculum related community health resources and agencies
Review the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Food Guide Pyramid, and understand the effects of nutrients and calories on the body systems

Harcourt Brace Your Health Chapters 3 and 4

The Great Body Shop

Tie-in with literature connections

Meeks and Heit Totally Awesome Health Chapters 9 and 10
for free nutrition kit
Practice reading food labels and investigate nutritional phrases such as “sugar free,” “fat free,” and “calcium fortified.”
Explore fad diets and diet products
Recognize the signs of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia and obesity
Identify how advertising tries to impact personal health choices
Understand the importance of daily physical activity for overall health and well-being
Explain the effects of physical activity on burning calories
Healthy Growth and Development/Hygiene 
Review and practice personal and dental hygiene habits and proper groomingTie-in with literature connections

Meeks and Heit Totally Awesome Health Chapter 8

Harcourt Brace Your Health Chapter 2

The Great Body Shop

Use school nurse

Use Community resources
Explain the effects of physical activity on burning calories

Explain physical changes that occur in various stages of life

  • Infancy
  • Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Adulthood
  • Old age
Summarize structures and functions of the male and female reproductive systems
Explain that physical maturity is reached earlier than the cognitive and social maturity necessary for the development of healthy relationships
Recognize the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social developmental processes occurring during puberty
Understand the emotional and physical consequences of early sexual activity and emphasize the importance of abstinence
Explain the relationship between health and heredity