World Language - Level 2

World Language
Level 2

  1. Comprehend word patterns.
  1. Extract the main idea.
  1. Recall facts and list details.
  1. Understand patterns of speech
  1. Comprehend conversations and narratives on everyday topics, personal interests, activities, and current events.
  1. Comprehend more difficult dialogues, poems, songs, and media material.
  1. Demonstrate understanding of expressions of emotion, condition, and preference.
  1. Recall facts and make inferences from related sentences.
  1. Recognize verb tenses.
  1. Recognize pronunciation differences within a language.
  1. Repeat and use a variety of verb tenses.
  1. Describe in detail pictures/visuals, people, places, and objects.
  1. Express feelings, emotions, preferences, needs and give supporting details.
  1. Initiate, sustain, and close a conversation with peers.
  1. Recite and sing more difficult dialogues, narratives, poems, and songs.
  1. Narrate and enact a simple story and present a simple oral report.
  1. Ask questions seeking information, directions and clarification; give specific information, or directions.
  1. Order food in a restaurant, ask for items at a store, etc.
  1. Make comparisons and contrasts.
  1. Give commands.
  1. Describe a sequence of events.
  1. Paraphrase information.
  1. Use strings of sentences and paragraph length messages.
  1. Be able to discuss reading material.
  1. Read a map and map symbols.
  1. Follow text being read aloud.
  1. Recognize and comprehend imperatives.
  1. Identify new word patterns.
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of short written passages by identifying words that relate to the main idea.
  1. Read written directions and solve written problems.
  1. Identify a sequence of events in a narrative.
  1. Obtain information by reading.
  1. Read directions to a location.
  1. Recognize learned verb tenses.
  1. Read and understand familiar stories.
  1. Read and understand directions to assemble something simple.
  1. Comprehend new material through contextual clues.
  1. Comprehend dialogues, songs, and passages of increasing difficulty.
  1. Determine emotions, feelings, and preferences from reading selections.
  1. Make inferences from material read.
  1. Identify the main idea and supporting details from single paragraphs and descriptive narratives, including authentic materials.
  1. Produce grammatically correct sentences.
  1. Write a narration of a sequence of events.
  1. Compose a simple story, song, or poem.
  1. Write with correct punctuation and language specific symbols.
  1. Compose a series of original statements and/or questions related to personal experience.
  1. Write directions.
  1. Write an invitation.
  1. Write one or more sentences that classify, summarize, predict, judge, or infer.
  1. Develop an organized summary, composition, report, letter, or article of more than one paragraph.
  1. Express emotions, feelings, and preferences and give supporting details.