BB 9000 Role of Board and Members

KPBSD Policy Manual

BB 9000

Bylaws of the Board

Superintendent: unless specifically precluded, Superintendent means Superintendent or designee.

President: unless specifically precluded, president means Board president or designee.

Powers and Duties

The Board is responsible for the general control and direction of education in the District and is empowered to carry on and finance any program or activity that is not in conflict with, inconsistent with, or preempted by law. This broad authority shall be exercised in accordance with the State and Federal Constitutions, laws and regulations. The Board may execute any powers delegated by law to it or to the District which it governs, and shall discharge any duty imposed by law upon it or upon the District which it governs.

(cf.9200 - Board Members)

Governance Functions

The Board shall consider and approve or disapprove matters submitted to it by the Superintendent and the public and is committed to establishing policies to govern District activities. The Board shall prescribe bylaws for its own governance within law or within the rules prescribed by the State Board of Education.

(cf.9300- Governance)

Executive Functions

The Superintendent shall serve as the chief executive officer of the School District. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to carry out Board decisions and to make and carry out any decisions which it delegates. The Superintendent shall be fully responsible for the proper use of this authority. The Board retains ultimate authority over and responsibility for the performance of any powers or duties delegated.

(cf.2210 - Administrative Leeway in Absence of Policy)

Judicial Functions

The Board, convened, shall serve as a body of appeal for grievances, complaints and criticisms in accordance with Board policies and negotiated employee agreements.

(cf.1312- Public Complaints Concerning the Schools)

Legal Reference:


14.08.021 Authority (regional school boards)
14.08.041 Regional school boards
14.08.101 Powers (regional school boards)
14.08.111 Duties (regional school boards)
14.14.060 Relationship between borough school district and borough
14.14.065 Relationship between city school district and city
14.14.130 Chief school administrator
29.35.160 Education (military reservations)


Revised: 06/04/18