E 5144.1(a) Long-Term Suspension Process

KPBSD Policy Manual

E 5144.1(a)

  1. Be familiar with the following District Policies and Regulations:
    1. BP 5131.6 Alcohol and Other Drugs (if related to substance abuse)
    2. BP 5145.12 Search and Seizure  and AR 5145.12 Search and Seizure (if related to search and seizure)
    3. AR 5144.2 Suspension and Expulsion (Students with Disabilities), BP 5144.11 Due Process and AR 5144.11 Due Process (all hearings regardless of whether formal or informal follow due process)
    4. BP 5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion and AR 5144.1 Suspension and Expulsion
  2. Contact the following:
    1. Parents/guardian by phone and in writing and describe the process to be followed
    2. Police (if a violation of the law has occurred)
    3. Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
  3. Ascertain if the student has an IEP and, if yes, follow AR5144.2 Suspension and Expulsion (Students with Disabilities)
  4. Conduct an informal hearing and provide the following:
    1. Oral or written notice of charges
    2. An explanation of the evidence
    3. An opportunity to present the student's point of view of the incident
    4. An explanation of the sanctions
    5. An explanation of the appeal process
    6. Provide a written summary of hearing to student/parents and Assistant Superintendent
  5. The hearing officer submits a hearing summary of each hearing that must include the following information:
    1. Student's name (legal and other names the student went by)
    2. Time and place of the hearing
    3. A list of those present
    4. The violation(s) that the student is charged with
    5. The facts of the case
    6. The conclusion of guilt or innocence
    7. The sanctions to be placed upon the student
    8. Copies of the hearing summary are sent to:
      1. Parent or guardian
      2. Principal
      3. Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
  6. A decision of the principal suspending the student from school for eleven (11) or more school days may be appealed in writing within five (5) school days of receipt suspension notice.. If appealed, formal hearings are conducted in the following order:

      Level I: This hearing is conducted by a hearing officer within five (5) school days of the appeal request and according to procedures defined herein. A decision will be rendered by the hearing officer within three (3) school days of the hearing.

      Level II: This hearing is conducted by the Superintendent within five (5) school days of receipt of an appeal from Level I. Decisions are to be rendered within three (3) school days of hearing and sent via certified mail to student and parent.

      Level III: This hearing is conducted by the Board at the next available Board meeting following receipt of an appeal from Level II. The decision is to be announced within three (3) school days and mailed to parent and student via certified mail.
  7. At all levels of appeal, the Hearing Officer, Superintendent, or Board will prepare a hearing summary of the hearing that must include the following information:

    1. Student's name (legal and other names the student went by)
    2. Time and place of the hearing
    3. A list of those present
    4. The violation(s) that the student is charged with
    5. The facts of the case, including the student's disciplinary record
    6. The conclusion of whether or not the student committed the violation(s)
    7. The sanctions to be placed upon the student
    8. Copies of the hearing summary are sent to:
      1. Parent or guardian
      2. Principal
      3. Assistant Superintendent of Instruction


Revised: 01/11/2016