Social Studies First Grade

Social Studies
THEME: Individual In Primary Social Groups
ALASKA THEME: My Alaskan Family
 Grade 1

This list may be customized for individual lesson plans and records.  Alaska Content Standards (in geography, government, and history) should be recorded as they are addressed throughout the year.  For your convenience, each item in the Mastery and Developmental lists on the following pages is matched to the Content Standard (in geography, government, history) that it supports.   Items that meet the Alaska Cultural Standards are marked with an asterisk (* ).

  CONTENT LIST GeographyGovernmentHistoryCultural
Basic geographic concepts     
Family history     
Family structure     
Introduction to globes     
Introduction to school culture     
Myself in family, school, and community     
Physical environment of school     
Roles within a school     
Rules for social relationships     
Self in relation to others in a social setting     

The socialization to school, which began in kindergarten, is continued and extended in first grade.  Basic concepts related to social studies content can be introduced.  Children can learn the specialized roles of school personnel as an example of division of labor.  The need for rules and responsibility should be taught as a natural extension of orderly group life.  Family life and structure including variations of life in Alaska should be included, including essential activities of a family in meeting basic material and psychological needs.  Children should learn that families cooperate and that the family is the primary support group for people everywhere.  History can be presented through the study of the children’s own families and family life in earlier times.  Learning about the family in other cultures provides opportunities for comparing ways of living.  The globe should be introduced, along with maps and basic geographic concepts.  Direct hands-onexperiences are essential at this level and should be organized around specific social studies themes and standards.

** The bold print indicates items that are new to the Mastery or Developmental strand at each grade level, but they may appear in earlier grades in the Enrichment strand.


• Name, identify, and characterize local places. Compare similarities and differences. (B2)

• Explain roles of individuals within families and school. (B2)
• Describe the democratic process of voting. (E3)
• Identify types of school authority. (B4, C1)

• No Mastery items at this grade level

• Use a spatial perspective to study home and school by identifying, making, and comparing maps. (A1, A2)
• * Describe human and geographic characteristics of school. (B1)
• * Identify state and national symbols. (B5)
Identify land and water forms. (C1)

• Explore rules and laws and the reasons for their existence. (E4)
• Analyze the rights, responsibilities, and roles of the individual in a school setting. (E2)
• Examine the extrinsic and intrinsic value of school participation. (E6)
• Explore and apply the fundamental ideas of privacy, property, equality, and responsibility. (A2)
• Recognize the role of the individual in creating and evaluating class and school rules to resolve conflicts. (E7)
• Participate in school service. (E2, E6)
Develop an awareness of the American political system and recognize national identity. (B)

• * Compare/contrast family traditions and customs. (A6, B1)
• * Identify cultural diversity. (C2, A1)
• * Explore and organize personal history. (B4, D1)
• Compare and contrast how families and social groups address similar needs and concerns. (B1)
• * Understand that family history is a bridge to understanding self and others. (A8)
• * Know that cultural elements including language, literature, the arts, music, and customs reflect the cultural attitudes and beliefs of a specific time. (A6)
• * Understand that people, places, and ideas experience continuity and change through time. (A9)
• * Place significant people and events within time sequences. (A1)

* Meets Cultural Standards

• Investigate how the earth’s features impact human settlements, structures, and activities.
• Identify the diversity and productivity of environments.
• Use geographical perspectives to investigate individual interests.

• Examine persisting issues involving the rights, roles, and status of individuals and groups in relation to the general welfare.
• Identify causes, consequences, and possible solutions to pertinent issues.
• Explore the forces and influences of economics such as environmental issues, resources, transportation, communication, money, personal wants and needs, and natural disasters.

• * Explore that history is written in different voices.

* Meets Cultural Standards 

• Begin to differentiate cardinal directions.
• Construct school/playground maps.
• Use simple school maps for various activities.
• Create simple maps to locate home on street or in a neighborhood.
• Locate Alaska and own community on a globe and several different maps.
• When discussing other places and cultures, locate their origins on maps and globes.
• Experiment with various media and tools to create maps.
• View local landmarks and illustrate them.
• Create a map of Alaska, including landforms and water.
• Observe and record seasonal changes at school and home.
• Explore and examine artifacts, music, costumes, languages, stories, food, and art of varied cultures.
• Learn street address, city, and state.
• Brainstorm similarities and differences between local and nearby community.
• Discuss and graph daily weather.
• Use newspaper forecast to predict weather and learn weather symbols.
• Investigate local environment; include plants’, animals’, and humans’ impact on the environment.
• Investigate activities that occur within local environments.
• Review clothing and activities appropriate for local weather and seasons.
• Examine and compare transportation in a variety of Alaskan communities.
• Locate places where students and their family members were born.
• Survey classmates and family members about favorite places to vacation and/or work. Organize information in a way to make comparisons and discuss results.

• Throughout the year, discuss ways to make life in the classroom more comfortable, pleasant, and productive by
√ sharing and responsibly using materials and equipment;
√ taking responsibility for assigned classroom jobs;
√ caring for classroom, school, and playground; and
√using respectful language and behavior.
• Participate in setting classroom rules to accomplish the above.
• Use regular classroom meetings to solve problems.
• Develop skills for conflict resolution within the family, the
• school, and the community.
• Review, practice, evaluate, and revise classroom rules throughout the year.  Draw and write about the rules.  Role-play situations involving the rules.
• Learn, practice, and review school, playground, and bus rules throughout the year.
• Make a class list of ways to be a good learner at school.
• Explore through role-playing, discussion, and literature what is involved in being a good friend and family member.
• Examine individual roles within the family setting through literature, art, and class discussions.
• Work cooperatively in a variety of group structures to accomplish many different kinds of goals.
• Visit/interview leaders within the community and school, such as the city manager, police, and fire chief, and invite them to speak about civic duties.
• Learn how school works as a community, and interview various school workers.
• Explore election process by voting on a variety of classroom choices and discussing pertinent local/national elections.
• Celebrate cultural diversity within the classroom by having students and families share their own cultural heritage through food, costumes, traditions, stories, music, and art.
• Share multicultural literature, music, and art.
• Participate in class survey on pertinent class or school issues.  Discuss results.
• Review and practice the “Pledge of Allegiance.”
• Learn patriotic songs, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and “You’re a Grand Old Flag.”
• Draw the American and Alaskan flags.
• Use media sources to follow current events of interest to students.
• Select a school problem and identify possible consequences and solutions.
• Learn about service and volunteering.  Participate in a school or community service project such as clean up or recycling, collecting food or volunteering at food bank, helping with community projects.
• Explore how money is used to meet needs at home and at school.
• Discuss local production and import needs.
• Role-play buyer, seller, producer, and consumer.
• Develop and practice disaster drills at school and at home.

• Explore and share personal family history and community history through literature, art, music, movement, writing, and interviews.
• Construct a family tree to map family historical background.
• Interview family and community members to learn how our lives have changed and/or remained the same over time.
• Practice asking and answering questions about own and classmates’ stories, experiences, observations, and literature.
• Make a personal record of significant life events using a variety of formats.
• Maintain a class calendar or timeline throughout the year, noting significant events.
• Create personal or class time capsule at the beginning of the year; revisit at end of the school year.
• Build time awareness (today, tomorrow, yesterday) into classroom activities.
• Observe and record own physical changes throughout the year with photos, growth charts, tooth loss records, etc.
• Record and celebrate academic growth throughout the year through collections of student work.
• Compare/contrast life of other Alaskan students through journals, videos, pen pals, or the Internet.
• Share literature representing different places and time periods, observing and identifying past and present through text and illustrations.
• Compare different authors’/artists’ interpretations of historical events using art, literature, or children’s own memories of a common experience.
• Explore the traditions of family, cultural, and world holidays.
• Use newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, multimedia, and Internet access to follow current events of interest to students.
• Debate issues, recognizing the importance of listening to all views.

• Demonstration of appropriate behaviors
• Group and individual projects and presentations scored by a rubric
• Interviews
• Participation in discussions and activities
• Personal maps
• Personal or family history writing
• Projects, work samples, and presentations
• Record of community service
• Rubrics
• Student participation
• Student self assessment