Paul Banks students get growing in a new greenhouse

Paul Banks Elementary School students take care of their vegetable starts in the school’s new greenhouse this spring. 

Students at Paul Banks Elementary School have a new house for their green thumbs. 

Cody Shealy and Neil Richardson, shop students at Homer High School, built the greenhouse for Paul Banks Elementary School. 

This spring, two Homer High School shop students, Cody Shealy and Neil Richardson, built a greenhouse for the elementary school. It was made possible by donations and support from the Paul Banks PTA, Homer Garden Club and Spenard Builders Supply of Homer. Students contributed, too, holding a read-a-thon to raise money. 

It was installed in the spring and students wasted no time getting growing, planting lettuce and radishes to start with. All classes at the elementary school will make use of the greenhouse, to learn about anatomy of plants and their life cycles, and to explore and appreciate the nutritive value and beauty of plants in their lives.