Safe Routes to Schools Program

Safe Routes to Schools programs (SRTS) are efforts by parents, schools, community leaders and local and state governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school. The City of Soldotna is working this school year to evaluate and provide recommendations to improve biking and walking infrastructure and accessibility for several of our schools, and input from parents and families is critical to developing a good program.

This parent survey asks for information about what factors affect whether parents allow their children to walk or bike to school, the presence of key safety-related conditions along routes to school, and related background information. Survey results will help determine how to improve opportunities for children to walk or bike to school, and measure parental attitude changes as local SRTS programs occur.

The parent survey is open October 14 to November 29, 2013

Survey links:

A project team of planners, engineers, landscape architects, and public engagement professionals are working with the City to conduct the analysis, gather community input, and develop strategies to promote biking and walking near our schools.

Much work to improve safety and accessibility for biking and walking has already been done in Soldotna, including the City’s long-range plan (Envision Soldotna 2030) and the recently completed Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) project will build on this momentum. In addition to new activities to engage stakeholders in the Safe Routes to School program, planners will also consider the public input shared as part of these earlier projects.

A project team of planners, engineers, landscape architects, and public engagement professionals are working with the City to conduct the analysis, gather community input, and develop strategies to promote biking and walking near our schools.

Everyone is invited to attend a public forum: November 12, 2013, 4-6 p.m. at Soldotna City Hall
Join city planners and the project team to provide your feedback on needs and some of the potential solutions the project team has drafted. Parent and family input is critical to the project. No registration needed. Please drop by if you can.

Safe Routes to School is a program of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration.
