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back 2 schoolsquare bullet green Immunization Requirements 

Recent Changes in Vaccination Requirements

When we think about starting a new school year, our minds often focus on all the new supplies that will be needed--pencils, paper, crayons, lunch boxes, and so much more! This is also the time when elementary school students in Alaska will need to update immunizations before school starts this fall. Beginning in 2009, Alaska added new immunization requirements for all children in kindergarten through sixth grade requiring proof of immunization for two varicella (chickenpox) vaccinations or documentation that they have already had the disease (as verified on the state required form by a physician, physician's assistant, or nurse practitioner licensed to practice in the state of AK). Children in pre-school and Head Start or those attending child care who are not yet in elementary school will continue to need only one varicella vaccination...

square bullet green New to District Students 

square bullet green Registration Times 

square bullet green School Supply Lists 

Please visit your school's website for class supply lists.


square bullet green Volunteer in Your Child's Education 

square bullet green School Start-Stop Times 

The following page contains school office hours, beginning times and dismissal times.

square bullet green District Schools 

Please visit the following page for a comprehensive list of schools, addresses, phone/fax numbers, and contacts.

square bullet green Pupil Transportation 

square bullet green Age of Admission 

A child five years of age on or before September 1 may be admitted to kindergarten. A child six years of age on or before September 1 may be admitted to first grade.

Please refer to the following link for a list of district policies related to early admission:

square bullet green District Calendars