Librarian Collaboration

Librarian Collaboration

When: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Where: Soldotna Prep PD Room


Overview:  Librarian Collaboration for Effective Instruction
Participants will become more familiar with KPBSD's goal: to increase student achievement by being responsive to individual student needs through structured collaborative practices district-wide and with our richly diverse communities. Additionally, participants will collaborate with grade-alike/content-alike colleagues to create a culture of collaborative inquiry that focuses on effective instruction as it pertains to their grade/content.


Agenda:  Participants will engage in collaborative discussions centered around the following: Sharing lessons and ideas for effective instruction including: online resources, citations, library evaluation guidelines, eBooks, collection development. Additionally, there will be a discussion on library blogs for continued professional growth and collaboration aimed at improving student achievement.


Karla Barkman