Out-of-District Opportunities

Professional development in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District focuses on high levels of achievement for all students through sustained adult learning.  A variety of in-district and out-of-district professional development opportunities and delivery models are utilized to accomplish this mission.  The table below lists current out-of-district opportunities.  In-district opportunities can be accessed through Avatar.

Out-of-District Opportunities
State Wide
State Conferences
National Organizations - Conferences
aasa AASA
American Association of School Administrators
nasp NASP
National Association of School Psychologists
asca ASCA
American School Counselor Association
nassp NASSP
National Association of Secondary School Principals
ascd ASCD
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ncss NCSS
National Council for the Social Studies
ira IRA
International Reading Association
ncte NCTE
National Council of Teachers of English
iste ISTE
International Society for Technology in Education
nctm NCTM
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
itea ITEA
International Techonology Education Association
nsdc NSDC
National Staff Development Council
naesp NAESP
National Association of Elementary School Principals
nsta NSTA
National Science Teachers Association