Physical Education Grades 3-4

Motor Skills       
Throw, catch, and kick using mature form.• Tag games    
Dribble and pass a basketball to a moving receiver.• Aerobics, square dance    
Balance with control on a variety of objects (balance board, large apparatus, skates).• Gymnastics/tumbling
• Jump rope
Develop and refine a tumbling sequence demonstrating smooth transitions.• Scoops and ballsw Lead-up games (e.g., soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, hockey)    
Jump and land for height/distance using mature form.
• Racquet sports with balloons,balls, birdies
Establish movement vocabulary (e.g., agility, speed, flexibility, balance).• Students teaching one skill (e.g., kicking, catching, throwing to the rest of a smallgroup)     
Recognize the critical elements of a throw made by a fellow student and provide feedback to that student.     
Understand that appropriate practice improves performance.• Partner assessment in a variety of skills    
Active Living       
Regularly participate in physical activity for the purpose of developing a healthy lifestyle.• Activity log
• Discussion on importance of physical activity
Describe healthful benefits that result from regular and appropriate participation in physical activity.   
Identify at least one *activity that they participate in on a regular basis (formal or informal) outside of class setting.   

*See list of “outside of school” activities in appendix

Physical Fitness       
Engage in appropriate activity that results in the development of muscular strength.• Activity log
• Fitness testing
Maintain continuous aerobic activity for a specified time.• Goal setting and strategies in fitness components   
Support, lift, and control body weight in a variety of activities.   
Regularly participate in physical activity for the purpose of improving physical fitness.    
Personal and Social Skills       
Take seriously their role to teach an activity or skill to two other classmates.• Students assisting with officiating  
Work productively with a partner to improve the overhand throw pattern for distance by using the critical elements of the process.• Cooperative games (e.g., human knot)
• Cultural dances
Accept the teacher’s decision regarding a personal rule infraction without displaying negative reactions toward others.• Native Youth Olympics
• Discussions of individual similarities and differences
Assess his/her own performance problems without blaming others.      
Recognize differences and similarities in others’ physical activity.     
Respect individuals and the cultural significance they attribute to various games, dances, and the physical activities.     
Demonstrate acceptance of the skills and abilities of others through verbal and nonverbal behavior.      
Value of Exercise       
Experience positive feelings as a result of involvement in physical activity.• Creation of new games, dances, tumbling routines, etc.   
Design games and dance sequences for personal enjoyment.• Discussion on how physical activity can provide challenges   
Celebrate personal successes and achievements as well as those of others.