U.S. History Grade 11

U.S. History
Advanced Placement History may substitute for 11th grade U.S. History requirement
Civil War to the Present
THEME: Exploring U.S. History
 Grade 11

This list may be customized for individual lesson plans and records.  Alaska Content Standards (in history, geography, and government) should be recorded as they are addressed throughout the year.  For your convenience, each item in the Mastery and Developmental lists on the following pages is matched to the Content Standard (in history, geography, and government) that it supports.   Items that meet the Alaska Cultural Standards are marked with an asterisk (* ).

CONTENT LISTHistoryGeographyGovernmentCultural
Causes of Civil War     
Civil War and Reconstruction     
Industrial Revolution and Gilded Age     
American Expansion and Imperialism     
Progressive Era     
World War I     
Twenties and Thirties     
World War II     
Cold War Era at Home and Abroad (1945 – 1989)      
1960s – Domestic and Foreign Policies     
1970s – Domestic and Foreign Policies     
1980s – Domestic and Foreign Policies     
1990s – Domestic and Foreign Policies     
Current Issues     
The eleventh grade program is a comprehensive, integrated course in United States history from the Civil War to the present. This course is organized chronologically but may be taught thematically; it is intended to serve as a capstone for U. S. history studies in the elementary and secondary schools. In-depth, student-centered exploration of issues relevant to historical inquiry and methodology will be emphasized. Forces and events that shaped and continue to shape political, economic, and social institutions will be examined.


• Understand and show the relationship between cause and effect. (A4, A7)
• * Understand and show the impact of war and conquest on geography, culture, and political and economic structures. (B1 d)
• * Analyze events, issues, or problems with attention to social, political, economic, scientific/technological, and cultural positions. (C3)
• Explore corporate mergers that produced trusts and cartels, and the economic and political policies of industrial leaders. (B2, B5)
• Know that literature can reflect the culture of a civilization at various points in time (e.g., The Jungle, The Scarlet Letter, Thoreau, Walden). (A6, B4, C2)
• Know, identify, and evaluate theories and ideas of important thinkers in U.S. history, and identify and understand the impact various figures had in U.S. history (e.g., Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Susan B. Anthony, Cesar Chavez, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton). (B2)
• * Demonstrate an understanding of the role of multiculturalism. (B1 e)
• Understand the impact religion has had in the United States. (B1 c)
• Understand the Missouri Compromise, Kansas/Nebraska Acts, Lincoln/Douglas Debates, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Abolitionist Movement, and underground railroad as precursors to the Civil War. (B1 e, B2, B4)
• Analyze the effects of urban political machines and responses to them by immigrants and middle-class reformers. (B1 e, B4)
• Analyze the international and domestic events, interests, and philosophies that have prompted discussion/repression of civil liberties (e.g., Pottsdam Treaty, Yalta Treaty, Civil Liberties Act, Great Society, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Board of Education, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, development of the NAACP). (B4, C3)
• Examine the passage of various amendments and their effects on the country (e.g., Bill of Rights, 18th, 19th, Civil War Amendments, 21st). (A1, B2)
• Understand the impact various presidents had during their terms of office and major eras in American politics, (e.g., the Open Door Policy, the Big Stick diplomacy, Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the Great Depression and the New Deal, the Civil War and Reconstruction, the Marshall Plan, the Cold War, and the World Wars). (B1 d, B2)
• Understand the impact of war, major battles of major wars, and how different leaders approached war and peace (e.g., Civil War, World Wars, internment camps, Supreme Court cases, World Court cases and Nurembourg Trials, Vietnam War, Korean War, Cold War, Persian Gulf War, nuclear testing, disarmament policies, and treaties). (B1 d, B2)
• Understand the impact of the Cold War in the United States (e.g., McCarthyism, Truman Doctrine, Berlin Blockade, Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis, atomic bomb testing). (B2)
• Discuss the impact of new technology in the world (e.g., automobiles, radios, television, movies, electricity, refrigeration). (B1 b)
• Understand reasons for American imperialism: Spanish/American War, acquisition of Philippines, Panama Canal. (B1 c, B2, B4)
• Understand and organize historical thought through a chronological framework; construct accurate timelines placing significant ideas, institutions, people, and events in appropriate time sequences. (A1)
• * Demonstrate that history relies on interpretation of evidence, which is subject to change, and recognize that human experience is recorded in different voices representing different perspectives. (A5)
• Demonstrate critical thinking: solve problems, make decisions, evaluate actions, and understand traditions; apply critical thinking to examine historical theory. (C3)
• Define personal positions on issues. (D1, D3)
• * Identify and analyze historical evidence and documents; utilize primary sources and writing to demonstrate an understanding of historical events. Accurately identify what information is known, unknown, and contradictory for given issues. (C2)
• Differentiate between historical interpretation and historical fiction (e.g., Pocohontas, Mulan, Hercules, The Mummy, Gladiator). (C3)

• Make and use maps, graphs, and globes to gather, analyze, and report spatial (geographic) information.  (A1, A2)
• Develop and use mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environments.  (A)
• Know that places have distinctive geographic characteristics.  (B1)
• Understand that a region is a distinct area defined by one or more cultural and/or physical feature.  (B1)
• * Identify cultural symbols.
• Know and understand geography and how it affects people and places by identifying factors affecting decisions to migrate; analyzing relationships between specific human activities and place; and understanding how extreme physical conditions such as floods or droughts affect human settlement.  (E6)
• * Understand and explain various types of regions (physical, political, cultural), the factors that transform regions and change regional boundaries, and how people perceive regions and place.
• Create, name, identify, and characterize places.  (A1)
• Identify major land and water forms and major political centers across the United States.  (B1)

• Examine the meaning of fundamental ideas such as equality, authority, power, freedom, justice, property, responsibility, and sovereignty.  (A1)
• Analyze the role of the individual in active political and social participation, such as evaluating rules and laws, selecting political leaders, and resolving conflict.  (E3)
• Understand that law codes reflect the values of civilizations (e.g., American Bill of Rights, Supreme Court rulings).  (B8)
• Explore concepts such as republican form of government, capitalism, limited government, free-enterprise system, national identity, family units, and individualism.  (B2)
• Understand the characteristics of different economic systems, institutions, and incentives (e.g., various forms of exchange, division of labor/specialization, and property rights).  (F3)
• Understand the basic features of market structures and the interaction of supply and demand in a market economy (e.g., the relationship between prices and quantity of goods).  (F5)
• Understand the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services; the impact of scarcity of resources; competition; and government control, including the impact of national or world events on the economy (e.g., Great Depression, World War I, World War II).  (F2, F4)
• Explore indicators of economic performance, such as the stock market, employment rate, gross national product, and trade balance.  (F8) 

* Meets Cultural Standards

• Explore causes, consequences, and possible solutions to persisting contemporary and emerging global issues. (D3, D6)
• Discuss various immigration policies through the years and the political, economic, and social impact of those policies. (B2, C2)
• Examine persisting issues involving the rights, roles, and status of individuals and groups in relation to the general welfare. (B1 e, D4)

• Use graphic tools and technologies to depict and interpret the world’s human and physical systems and to develop explanations and solutions to geographic problems. (A6)

• Analyze the rights, responsibilities, and roles of citizenship in the U.S. and how those have evolved. (A2)
• Explore the sharing of power between levels of government (e.g., federal, state, local). (B4)
• Identify the roles and relationships among tribal, state, and federal governments. (B4, C8)
• Analyze how the policies and actions of state, national, and international organizations influence one another in the world community (e.g., NATO, SEATO, and the United Nations). (D1, D2)
• Understand, compare, and contrast how powers and responsibilities are distributed, shared, or limited in the U.S. government (e.g., executive, legislative, and judicial bodies). (B3, B4)
• Explore types of economic systems, past and present (e.g., communism, capitalism, socialism, laissez-faire policy). (F3)
• Discuss relationships and tensions among personal wants and needs, national sovereignty, and global interests. (F2, F5, F7)
• Demonstrate an understanding of the American economic system. (F5, F6)
• Explore multicultural issues in Alaska, such as the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), the Statehood Act, and subsistence. (C5, C6)
• Discuss various monetary policies instituted by the government (e.g., the events leading to the Great Depression, the development of the Federal Reserve, establishment of Social Security Fund). (F1, F6) 

• Selected topics for investigation 

* Meets Cultural Standards

• Write a song about an event that had a great impact upon society.
• Role-play an issue from the Depression from the perspective of an industrialist, a poor immigrant, or a government official.
• Identify boundary disputes between cultural groups and assess the consequences on the boundaries; read a book such as Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee or When the Legends Die and discuss the clash of cultures.
• Compare and contrast maps of Indian Reservations and evaluate the impact of reservation life on American Natives.
• Examine the Great American Desert (e.g., cattle drives, trans-continental railroad, and Native American disputes).
• Use a map to describe and explain the economic, political, and social impact of the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, or the Louisiana Purchase.
• Create an effective campaign poster or jingle for a historical political figure.
• Create a political cartoon of a past or present political issue.
• Read and evaluate a piece of historical fiction for historical accuracy and social criticism.
• Create a flow chart of the social structure and how it influenced economies in various civilizations.
• Create diagrams (e.g., fishbone, series of events, round cycle charts, spider maps, compare/contrast charts).
• Employ mapping strategies (e.g., clusters, concept mapping, Internet surfing for research).
• Create cause and effect charts showing how an event impacted a civilization.
• Create and perform plays (e.g., American frontier, women’s movement, labor movement).
• Make a “Newscast of the Past” video for a specific time period of U.S. history.
• Conduct interviews.

• Chart the growth of major U.S. cities.
• Analyze topographical maps for the regions crossed by Lewis and Clark, the Transcontinental Railroad, and the Oregon Trail.
• Draw from memory a map of the U.S. with major mountains, bodies of water, and other landforms.
• Create a video/slide/power point presentation that describes and identifies a region and the cultural groups that have settled there.
• Label and draw geographical/political maps.

• Examine electoral maps of the presidential elections to determine trends of voting.
• Participate in a mock election, mock United Nations, mock economic simulation, mock trial, or debate.
• “Invest” in the stock market and chart your stock over the school year.


• Artistic recognition: slides, drawings, sculptures
• Creative writing assignments
• Diagrams
• Essays
• Hand drawn and computer generated maps
• Individual projects/presentations
• Journaling
• Mock situations
• Multimedia projects/presentations
• Opinion papers
• Research papers
• Small group projects/presentations
• Tests/Quizzes
• Timelines: pictorial, cartoon, computer derived, and basic