PL Champs in KPBSD

Who are KPBSD Personalized Learning (PL) Champs?

“PL Team members represent schools in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, and are passionate about personalizing learning for kids,” said Amanda Adams, Personalized Learning and Student Success Specialist. “Our mission is to continually expand our understanding of personalized learning, deepen our practices, and share this journey with our schools. We achieve this through participating in our PL Champ Community of Practice with the shared experiences of ongoing interaction through regular workshops, social media forums, and active participation in KPBSD’s culture of innovation. We are determined to have continuous growth and innovation in our teaching practices.”​

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Highlights from the Third Quarter in KPBSD

  • Shared Leadership in scheduling, designing content, and delivery
  • Strategy Sharing continually through open discussions, sharing examples and stories, mini sessions with peer presenters and debriefs with table groups
  • Leadership Building through explicit instruction and content on leadership topics that Champs can take back to there sites and share along with building leadership capacity in the group itself through a safe space to lead peers, take risks, and try new things
  • Solving Problems of Practice happens through a colleague circle protocol that creates a safe space to share struggles or opportunities and receive honest feedback from peers with an open mind
  • Resource Sharing happens through both physically exchanging tangible examples of our work and student products and sharing digital resources
  • School Highlights happen continually throughout both the workshops and social media forums in the form of direct sharing and highlighting the work of peers


Thirty-two PL Champs are active in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, and PL Champ Kim said, “KPBSD teachers are usually focused on what they love and do best—working with kids. However, we all have room to grow and infuse more personalization into our classrooms. So, PL Champs serve as the go betweens. We spend extra time really wrapping our minds around PL practice, learning, sharing and getting inspired; then we return to our schools and support those busy teachers in ways that fit for them. Because PL Champs come from all our schools, we are able to connect teachers across the district and ensure that successful strategies are shared beyond single classroom walls.”


The fourth quarter workshop for PL Champs is April 8, 2020.

website: KPBSD PL Champs
website: Personalized Learning in KPBSD
Twitter PL hashtags connected with @KPBSD: #PL #PLinKPBSD #PLchamps #nomoresilo