World History

World History
10th Grade

ThemesEssential QuestionsContentResources
INDIVIDUAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT & RESPONSIBILITYHow do groups and institutions work to meet individual needs, promote the common good, and address persistent social issues?

What are the consequences of tensions and cooperation among individuals, groups, and institutions?

What influences how humans learn, perceive, and grow?


World War I
  • Rise of fascism
  • Technology of
  • Absolutism and absolute monarchs
  • Foundations of democracy
The Enlightenment

(e.g. Rousseau, Montesquieu, John Locke, Voltaire)


(e.g. English, Glorious, French, Napoleonic Europe, Russian)


Analyze patters of political and economic change
TIME, CONTINUITY & CHANGEWhat sequences of events and turning points are important in history?  Why are they important?

Why is the past important to us today?

How do historical perspectives reflect varying points of view and invasion contemporary ideas and influence actions?
  • Reflects the culture of a civilization at various points in time
Communication systems
  • Differ from culture to culture and evolve over time
Organize historical thought

*Chronological frameworks
* Construct accurate timelines

Analyze patterns of political and economic change
Dante, Machiavelli, Chaucer, Erasmus, and Shakespeare, as well as Japanese and Chinese poetry styles, and epic poems

Chinese calligraphy, alphabet, printing press, telegraph, telephone

Construct accurate timelines placing significant ideas, institutions, people, and events in appropriate time sequences.
PEOPLE, PLACES, & ENVIRONMENTWhat is the effect of geography on civilization?

How have relationships humans forged with places changed over time?

How are global regions defined by physical and human characteristics?


Asia (China, Japan , India)

Middle East


CULTURAL CONNECTIONSWhat are the universal links between past and present culture?

How do developing societies respond to social and environmental determinants?

  • Political/cultural borders
  • Colonization/imperialism (e.g. Berlin Conference, Triangual trade)
  • Cultural diffusion
  • Linguistics (e.g. Bantu language)
  • Dynasties and empires (e.g. Ming, Mongol)
  • Commercial colonization
  • Trade systems
  • Belief systems (e.g. Confucianism)
  • Feudal systems
  • Colonization/imperialism
  • Belief systems (e.g. Hinduism)
Middle East
  • Emergence of belief systems and impact on cultural relations
  • Belief systems
  • Cultural development
  • Economic development
GLOBAL ECONOMICSHow do economic systems shape society and influence interactions between societies and cultures?

How do markets develop and work?
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Means of production- natural resources
  • Economic theorists (e.g. Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Thomas Mathus)
Supply and demand

European mercantilism

World Trade

POWER, AUTHORITY, GOVERNANCEWhat is the role of religion in governance?

What are the purposes and functions of government?

Under what circumstances is the exercise of political power legitimate?
  • Nationalism
  • Rise and fall of empires (e.g. Ottoman, Holy ▪▪Roman, Austrian, Bolshevik Revolution, Czarist Russia)
  • Building of nations (e.g. Germany, Italy, France, Russia)
  • Realignment of world powers and the role Europe plays within it
  • Primary source documents