BB 9321 Executive Sessions

KPBSD Policy Manual

BB 9321

Bylaws of the Board

Prior to entering an executive session, the Board first shall meet in open session. At this open meeting, the Board shall enter an executive session only after a majority of the Board votes to accept a motion to enter the executive session. The motion shall clearly and with specificity describe the subject of the proposed executive session without defeating the purpose of addressing the subject in private. Unless stated in the motion for executive session, or auxiliary to the main question, no other subject may be discussed in that executive session.

The only subjects that the Board may discuss in an executive session of the Board are:

  1. matters, the immediate knowledge of which would clearly have an adverse effect upon the finances of the School District;
  2. subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of any person, provided the person may request a public discussion;
  3. matters which by law, municipal charter, or ordinance are required to be confidential; or
  4. matters involving consideration of government records that by law are not subject to public disclosure.

(cf.1340 - Access to District Records)

The Board may not take action in an executive session, except to give direction to an attorney or labor negotiator regarding the handling of a specific legal matter or pending labor negotiations. All other action of the Board must be made in an open meeting.

(cf.1120 - Board Meetings)

Legal Reference:

44.63.310-312 Alaska's Open Meetings Act


Revised: 06/04/18