Second-Third Grade

Health Curriculum

Grades 2 and 3:

Your Health (Harcourt Brace)
Here’s Looking at You (kits)
Totally Awesome Health

District Media Center

ESSENTIAL CONTENT/SKILLSPossible Activities/Resources
Mental/Emotional Health 
Identify and communicate positive traits in self and others

Check with local counseling agencies for whole group reading books and activities that relate to these subjects.

See activities below.
Name, identify and communicate emotions and practice appropriate ways to express them using “I” statements (such as loss, sadness, fear, frustration, etc.)Discuss, identify and chart emotions. Identify the benefits of cooperation, sharing and peaceful conflict resolution.
“I statements”

GOOGLE: “activities in conflict resolution for young children.”
Identify and define respect, empathy and kindnessReview and chart words and what they mean. Relate to above and discuss how respect, empathy and kindness make us feel.  Activity: Send a card of respect, empathy or kindness to a friend or family member weekly.
Build awareness that lack of information about others can lead to fear and prejudiceSee “I” statements
Recognize anger triggers and healthy ways of managing anger

Review using positive self talk
*Model and act out

Draw/Label what makes you angry and what you can do to make yourself feel better.

Use and act out “ABC’s”:

*Ask them to stop
*Back away and go elsewhere
*Contact an adult

Read children’s’ book from library on subject. Discuss that loss is part of life.
Explain positive and negative peer pressure and identify resistance skillsUse appropriate book to talk about negative peer pressure. Discuss why we do this, how it makes us feel and the consequences of exclusion.

Activity 2nd and 3rd:
Use “I statements” again to deal with peer pressure.

Activity 2nd and 3rd:
Use daily compliment or appreciation circle weekly. Go around the group circle and each child gives positive statement about another.

Talk about how it makes you feel to give AND receive compliments. Remember to thank the person being thoughtful.
Define positive and negative stress and the consequences of eachIdentify and define stress and how it makes us feel.

GOOGLE: “Activities to deal with stress in young children”.

Activity :
Integrate music, movement and art activities. Move to different kinds of music, or simply move crayon over paper to classical music that moves fast, slow, strong, and soft.

Discuss how activities can relieve stress.
Investigate options for decision-making, identify consequences and acknowledge responsibility for choices
Family/Social/Interpersonal Health 
Understand one’s role and responsibility in the familyDiscuss family members. Use activities about family.

http:// search: family

Activity 3rd:
Send family tree home.
Identify skills for making and being a friendActivity: Chart “What is a Friend”
GOOGLE: “Developing Capable Young People” or “Character Counts”

Make a cooperation quilt

See above ABC’s.
Demonstrate “I” statements while communicating feelings and practicing refusal/resistance skillsSee above “I statements”

2nd: model and practice

Make a poster showing a conflict from a personal perspective as well as the perspective of another.

Understand that people can disagree respectfully

  • Understand that disagreements happen
  • Identify the benefits of cooperation and conflict resolution
  • Identify conflict resolution strategies
Activity 2nd: Students write a story about subject to read to class

Activity 3rd:
Write a play. Include a “moral to the story” and act it out for the class
Learn and apply strategies for dealing with bullying Behaviors
Identify the difference between good touch, bad touch, and confusing touch
Identify responsible adults and know how to communicate with them for safety at home, in school and in the communityActivity: Make slips with a situation or problem beforehand. Put slips in a container and each child draws one. Give them think time and then read the problem and talk about responsible adults they could talk to about it.
Injury/Disease Prevention (Substance Use and Safety) 
Understand the connection between personal choices and the positive and negative consequences that followCheck Awesome Health for lessons and activities for below:
Explain “safe” and “unsafe” in the home, school and community

Demonstrate age appropriate safety skills

  • Personal safety
  • Fire safety
  • Earthquake safety
  • Bus safety
  • Seasonal protective gear Search: safety

Use DMC resources
Define legal and illegal drugsHere’s Looking at You kit
Chart legal and illegal drugs

Teach how to say NO!

Use school or community nurse.
Explore the potential harmful effects of alcohol and tobaccoUse school or community nurse.
Here’s Looking at You
Understand what infection is, how it is caused and precautions to avoid itUse school or community nurse.
Know how germs are spread and how to avoid them (hand washing)
Understand the difference between communicable and chronic diseasesUse school or community nurse.

Activity 2nd: Cover your sneezes art

Activity 3rd
: Use microscope to look at germs
Demonstrate how to treat common bleeding injuries such as nosebleed, cuts and scrapesUse school nurse or community nurse.
Community/Consumer/Environmental Health 
Understand the relationship between pollution and diseaseActivity 2nd: Fold paper into fourths. Label each section with litter, water, air and noise.

Activity 3rd:
Draw how it affects you in each box.
Understand the purpose of advertising and identify its impact on decision-makingDMC

School or community health worker
Identify age-appropriate, curriculum related Community-based health resources and agenciesChart health resources and agencies in community.

Activity 3rd: Write an appreciation card to a resource.
Use a computer with a responsible adult and understand whyDiscuss why people need to be safe on computers.

Bring in DARE officer to talk about internet safety.
Discuss the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and practice using the Food Guide PyramidActivity 2nd: Go to internet site to review and print out Food Guide pyramid.

Activity 3rd:
Log what you eat for a week and compare it to the Food Guide pyramid.
Explore the positive and negative impact of foods on your healthSchool nurse: Discuss healthy food with class.
Explain the impact of daily physical activity on healthPE Instructor and community health resources

Activity 2nd:
Make collage of students doing healthy activities.

Activity 3rd:
Make individual collage of students doing healthy activities.
Healthy Growth and Development/Hygiene 
Review and practice healthy personal and dental hygiene habitsBring in school nurse or dental hygienist.

http:// Search: dental health

“activities for dental and hygiene habits for young children”
Explain the importance of exercise, play, rest and sleepDiscuss why all are important to overall health
Understand how healthy behaviors affect the basic functions of the body systems (see Science Curriculum)